MMI students celebrating German Week

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MMI German language students are celebrating German Week from now through October 8.

German Week celebrates the contributions of German Americans to the United States in the arts, sciences, business, academia and government. October 3rd marks the 25
thanniversary of the Day of German Unity, the official German national holiday that commemorates the unification of Germany. In 1987, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed October 6 German American Day to honor the date in 1683 when the first German settlers immigrated to the United States.

MMI World Language instructor Gabriela Moustardas will help students mark German Week with a variety of food, games and history lessons in the German classrooms. Students will answer trivia questions and identify German personalities to win prizes and find the German names attached to many items around the school. They will also enjoy Nutella croissants and bretzels at a bake sale supporting the National German Honor Society.thumb GermanWeek2

Germany has the largest population in Europe with 81 million residents. German is the native language of five countries, the language with the most native speakers in Europe and the third most commonly taught language worldwide.

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