Planned Giving

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A thoughtful estate plan can fulfill your personal financial objectives and, at the same time, ensure the long-term viability of MMI. Planned gifts such as wills, trusts, annuities, and life insurance policies represent important ways that you can help support MMI Preparatory School.  Each of these gifts has unique tax advantages.  Planned gifts typically come from a donor’s assets, rather than income, and can be either outright or deferred.  Some planned gifts, such as charitable gift annuities, can pay you income.

A few types of planned gifts are:
  • Will or Bequest
  • Gift Annuity
  • Charitable Lead Trust
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Life Insurance
  • Real Estate

The Timber Society is an organization of individuals committed to the future support of MMI Preparatory School. The name of the society is derived from the wooden supports that were used in the deep mines to support the roof, as well as the earth above it. The “timbers” allowed the miners to move forward in their quest of anthracite coal as they earned a living and fueled the industrial revolution.

The symbol for the Timber Society is the White Oak (Quercus alba), which is native to the eastern United States and was harvested for use as “timbers.” At maturity, it can reach 100 feet in height and is a wide-spreading specimen whose leaves turn rich purple and wine in the autumn.

The large tree provides shade and beauty as it grows. The “timbers” permitted the deep mines to be used to extract the anthracite coal from its beds deep below the surface. The “timbers” continued to serve the people above, long after the miners completed their work.

The Timber Society recognizes individuals who have so thoughtfully and generously provided for MMI’s financial future through planned gifts. Through their foresight, they will continue to support the work being done by MMI well into the future.

If you have already included MMI in your estate plans, please let us know and we would be happy to include your name in The Timber Society.

Timber Society Members

  • Mr. Richard Abrams ’88
  • Mrs. Lucetta S. Alderfer
  • Mr. Thomas Asson ’50 and Mrs. Phyllis Asson
  • Atty. Philip E. Barringer
  • Dr. Carl R. Bartol ’50
  • Mr. Donald Bartol ’41
  • Mr. Harold B. Benjamin
  • Mr. Clete L. Boyle ’10 and Mrs. Cecilia Boyle
  • Mr. Lambert E. Broad
  • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brown, Jr.
  • Mr. Charles T. Butler
  • Mr. Jack H. Churbock ’46
  • Dr. Leo J. Corazza
  • Atty. Elliott Costas ’74 and Mrs. Judy Costas
  • Mr. Eckley B. and Mrs. Sophia G. Coxe
  • Mr. Eckley B. Coxe IV
  • Ms. Elizabeth A. Coxe
  • Mr. James D’Andrea ’39
  • Colonel Benjamin Davis ’27
  • Mr. Nicholas Dei Tos ’71 and Mrs. Patricia Dei Tos
  • Mr. Victor C. Detty Jr.
  • Atty. Richard DiLiberto, Jr. ’79 and Atty. Faith DiLiberto
  • Mr. Doug Dobbs and Mrs. Sal Coxe Dobbs
  • Dr. Joseph A. Donato ’66 and Mrs. Eileen Donato
  • Mr. Llewellyn Dryfoos III ’82 and Mrs. Maura Dryfoos
  • Mr. George P. Eidam and Mrs. Helen L. Eidam
  • Mr. John Evans ’24
  • Atty. Thomas Feissner ’81 and Mrs. Lisa Feissner
  • Dr. James W. Feussner ’65
  • Mr. Joseph V. Fischer ’63
  • Mr. Donald C. Fisher ‘48
  • Atty. Henry A. Giuliani
  • Mr. Richard Goldman ’68
  • Mr. Edward J. Gower ’38
  • Dr. Thomas Hamer ’58 and Mrs. Kathryn Hamer
  • Dr. O. Reynold Hoch and Mrs. Catherine T. Hoch
  • Mr. Hugh E. Hughes
  • Mr. Effingham P. Humphrey Jr. ’34
  • Mr. Marc Hurwitz ’67 and Dr. Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz
  • Mr. Frank Jenkins ’12
  • Mr. Roy Johnson ’63 and Mrs. Diana Johnson
  • Mr. Robert D. Jones ’48
  • Mr. Clyde M. Kahler and Mrs. Mildred K. Kahler
  • Mr. Robert Kashubski ’67 and Mrs. Karen Kashubski
  • Mr. Robert A. Keenan-Cavendish ’96
  • Dr. Robert Kettrick ’60 and Mrs. Eileen Kettrick
  • Mr. Karl Klinger ’24
  • Mr. Robert L. Klotz Jr.
  • Mr. Daniel Kostick ’54 and Mrs. Janet Kostick
  • Mr. John Lang ’31
  • Mr. Stephen R. Lechman
  • Atty. Leroy Lenhart ’58 and Mrs. Donna Lenhart
  • Mrs. Anna Lesser
  • Mr. Joseph E. Lundy
  • Dr. Philip A. McHale ’58
  • Dr. Robert McLean ’53 and Mrs. Jane McLean
  • Mr. William D. Muir ’43
  • Mr. John P. Murphy
  • Mr. John Nicholson ’35
  • Mrs. Lucy Norris
  • Mr. Bernard C. Nosal ‘59
  • Mr. Martin J. O’Donnell ’37 and Mrs. Agnes O’Donnell
  • Atty. James A. O’Neill ’41
  • Miss Mary Pavlick
  • Mr. E. Edward Riley ’61
  • Ms. Rosemary Rocco
  • Mr. David Roman
  • Mr. Harry Carl Schaub J.D. ’46 and Mrs. Kathryn Deans Schaub
  • Mr. John Schiedy ’21 and Mrs. Pauline Schiedy
  • Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Schmutzer
  • Mr. Edward Sharp ’36 and Mrs. Lorraine Sharp
  • Mr. Stanley Shrager
  • Mr. Gilbert Smith ’22
  • Mrs. Jane E. Smith
  • Mr. James M. Stradnick ’77
  • Mr. James P. Stradnick
  • Mr. David Tapper ’67 and Mrs. Sandy Tapper
  • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tito
  • Mr. John Tucker ’67 and Mrs. Eloise Tucker
  • Ms. Lottie Turnbace
  • Mr. Joseph A. Turri ’45
  • Atty. Rebecca L. Warren Esq. ’84
  • Ms. Rose M. Welliver ’73
  • Dr. Richard Williams ’62 and Mrs. Eloise Williams
  • Mr. Jack Wyeth
  • Mrs. Mary Yankevitch
  • Mr. Philip F. Young ’34
  • Mrs. Nina C. Zanon ’01
  • Dr. Nazzi Zola ’70 and Mrs. Carol Zola